The 8-ball team and the 9-ball team with the most points earned on the given night of play in each format in the entire League area will receive the BIG DAWG AWARD. The Big Dawg award is based on a team's total points earned during the session compared to all other teams that participate in the same format on the same night of play. There must be at least 8 teams in that format on that night of play for teams to be eligible for The Big Dawg award. So the team winning Big Dawg is not only the top team in their division, but the top team on their night of play. In the event that two or more teams are tied for Big Dawg on a given night, both/all teams tied will receive the award.
Number of Teams in that Format on the Same Night of Play!
Ca$h Prize Amount = # below times Team Weekly Fee
8 to 15 Teams
3 x Team Weekly Fee
16 to 30 Teams
4 x Team Weekly Fee
31 or More
5 x Times Weekly Fee