We are going all digital with Registrations. You will no longer receive a paper copy of the Team Registration Form in your packet.


To Register your team for Spring Session follow the steps bellow.


·      Login to your Member Services Account

·      Go to our website www.middletn.apaleagues.com

·      Click on the Register – Team Registration at the top of the page

·      Click RE-REGISTER and fill in all required fields

·      Fill in the Code at the bottom and click Next

·      Review the info you entered and click Submit


Teams will now receive 5 Bonus Points in 8-Ball and 25 Bonus Points

in 9-Ball for completing their Team Registration for the following session.

All Registrations must be complete by Wednesday January 2nd at Noon.


If you are not able to Register your team online you may email

your roster to apajess@yahoo.com. Please be sure to include Team Name,

Host Location, Day of Play, Player Names and Numbers.